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Saturday 18 April 2009

4/18/09 Reflections

The three and a half months I spent abroad seem like a blur, so many new places and new experiences. People may tell you what Europe is like, but you can never attain any real understanding without actually going there, and I only scratched the surface of the cultural complexities of Europe in my time spent abroad.

My favorite places (most to least favorite)
1 Prague
2 Scotland
3 Sweden
4 Munich
5 London
6 Barcelona
7 Dublin
8 Bath
9 Amsterdam
10 Geneva

Even though I managed to visit so many different places, I feel like there were still lots of opportunities I let slip away, particularly not being able to visit Paris. If there are any lessons I could impart on a future traveler abroad, is is these:
1. Make the most of every minute and opportunity you get in your limited time, time management is key
2. Don't be afraid to try new things, get outside your comfort zone
3. Get out and socialize with local people, and make friends with people from other countries
4. Plan trips out way in advance, it is much cheaper and less hassle

The experiences and memories I acquired in London and the rest of Europe will no doubt stay with me for the rest of my life. My semester abroad has left me with a new appreciation for travel and adventure that I never had before. So what now?

I have been wanting to visit Japan for a long time, the country fascinates me. Also, David Dvorsky talked about the possibility of an internship in Prague next summer, which is something I will definitely follow up on. I felt a special affinity to the city of Prague, almost like I belonged there, which is interesting since I do have a significant Czech heritage.

I am glad to once again see my family and friends back home, but I know that it won't be long until I once again yearn for the excitement of London and the rest of Europe. It is kind of weird being back home, everything is just the same as I left it, but it all feels different. Everything has stayed the same, but I have changed.

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