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Friday 20 March 2009

3/20/09 roman baths, thai food, poonans

We headed out to eat an English breakfast at the Boston Tea Party, which was tasty but the portions were too small and we had to wait forever for the food. Our next stop was the Roman Bath Ruins that the town of Bath is named after and famous for.

From Bath Trip

Walking around the ruins was like stepping back in time, and seeing how the Romans used the temple to worship and relax was very interesting. The natural springs underneath still feed water up into the pools, and the water is warm to the touch. After the tour we sampled some of the natural spring water in the pump room, and it tasted similar to blood, because of the high iron and other mineral content.

From Bath Trip

For dinner we went to the Thai restaurant “Shang-Ri-La”, and I had some chicken type thing in sweet and sour sauce, which was tasty. We went back to the apartment and got ready to go out to the club Po Na Na. We headed out, and I was disappointed that Joey's other (and cuter) friends there didn't want to go with us since they all had to leave by 9am for their trip to Oxford.

We danced for a while at the club and then attempted to do karaoke. I chose the song Just Dance by Lada Gaga, and found out that it is really damn hard to attempt to dance while simultaneously singing at the same time, especially while inebriated.

After some more dancing Joey and I needed a break and we randomly sat down next to some girl and some drunk guy started taking his shirt off and dancing in front of us, which was slightly disconcerting. However, the girl sitting next to us said she was from Liverpool and that he was one of her drunk marine friends, and we started a conversation. I found out that she was 25 and has been obsessed with the Spice girls since she was young. She also apparently met her boyfriend on, which surprised me. After a while the conversation got stale so I headed back to the dance floor since the club was closing in like ½ hr (3am?). We left the club and got some Mr. D's, a fast food stand, on the way back.

From Bath Trip

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