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Wednesday 4 March 2009

3/4/09 to sweden

We landed in Copenhagan, Denmark and took the speedy train over the water to Malmo, Sweden (3rd or 4th largest city in Sweden). I met jj's mom at their relative's house and JJ's cousin Rikard. I found out that Rikard works with "connect" a company that connects entrepreneurs with venture capitalists. We talked about his business for a bit and then had dinner, which was a kind of lasagna, followed by ice cream cake type of thing for desert.

Rikard drove us around town talked about history and pointed out parks, and different areas nearby. Afterwards, we headed over to his apartment to unpack and stay the night. Rikard speaks almost perfect English, and I found it interesting that he preferred to read novels in English instead of Swedish (Lord of the Rings in particular). The reasoning he gave me was that in the English language there are many more ways to describe things than in Swedish. For example, when you want to talk about how a character said something to another character you could write: retort, say, told, exclaim, or announced.

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