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Saturday 28 March 2009

3/28/09 Part 2: Hofbrauhaus, Pub Crawl

After Dachau we went back into the city of Munich to grab some food and drink. We went to some random bar (psychorr?) and had a pint, but it was lame there so we left in a hurry. Next we went to the famous Hofbrauhaus where the waiters walk around in traditional German laderhosen (think yodeler) and serve you beer and giant pretzels. I got a liter of dark German beer a sausage w/ sauerkraut, and a big soft pretzel.

From Munich Trip

After that we went back to the hostel and I got changed before heading out to the starting point for the Insomniac Pub Crawl. I got sort of lost so it took me a while to find it, but it was all good because when I got there they extended the free drinks for another 1/2 hour till 10pm since the stew wasn't ready yet.

There were about 20 people there and I started up some conversation. I talked to two Swiss guys from Zurich and then talked with this group of American military guys who were stationed in northern Germany. The military guys (Gavin is the only name I remember) thought I was awesome and hilarious, so they kept buying me drinks all night. I met tons of random people that I will never remember. I think the pub crawl went to five different venues, but I only remember two of them. One was a big Irish themed pub place. I vaguely remember having tequila shots at the last bar, and that never ends well for me. After that the military guys wanted to go to the Red Light District, but luckily for me there wasn't enough room in their cab (what ever happened to never leave a man behind?).

I followed some random people to the tram stop, but I thought that I took it the wrong direction and so I got off and started walking. I must have looked really lost as a cab driver pulled up and asked if I needed a ride. In retrospect it was probably really stupid to get in, but the cab looked legit (as far as I could tell) and I had no idea where I was. Apparently, I wasn't that far from Hauptbanhoff, as the cab fare was only 4,70 Euros. I stumbled back into my room and passed out. The Pub Crawl only cost 10 Euro and despite not spending anything else, I certainly got a lot of drink. Germany rules.

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