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Friday 16 January 2009

1/16/09 class, flight to Dublin

For class we had a guest speaker who used to work for HSBC and is now a manager of an Islamic wealth fund that invests primarily in commercial real estate. I asked him some tough questions about the financial crisis and he seemed very knowledgeable. I enjoyed his perspective and experience in the finance sector.

Andrew and I went to Victoria station and found our easyBus to the airport and got to leave early since all the passengers were already there. The driver was speeding through the streets of London and we go to the airport around 6:30pm and sat around forever waiting for our flight. Our flight got delayed 40 mintues, and we didn't get into the air until 10:20pm. RyanAir's motto is "the on-time airline"... yeah whatever. It was a really short flight and it seems like we spent more time waiting in line to get on the plane than we actually did in the air. The landing was pretty rough with a big bounce upon hitting the runway, and while descending it was like that feeling you get in your gut when a roller coaster drops from its peak.

We didn't land until almost midnight, and then we had to wait 20 mins just to get through passport security. We couldn't get on the next bus to the city center because it was full, so we had to wait another 20 mins for the next one. The bus dropped us off on Grafton Street by Trinity College and we headed to McDonald's for some quick food. It was really expensive there and one double cheeseburger was 2E (~$2.60). We asked for directions to try and find the Four Courts Hostel, but we were lost in a foreign city walking the wrong way, so we hailed a cab and rode that to the hostel. The hostel was nice and clean, and we quickly passed out in bed.

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