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Tuesday 6 January 2009

1/6/09 class, Miley Cyrus at the bar, play, bed

Orientation at 9:30am followed by our first Business Organization class and more class until 4:30 or so. In between classes we walked around Tottenham Court Road a bit and saw a cool buffet place that we should eat at in the future.

At night we went out to have some fish and chips at a bar called the Hole in the Wall before heading to the National Theatre for the play we had to see at 7:15. The bar was nice and served us fairly quickly, I ordered a pint of Leffe beer to go with my food. While we were sitting there See You Again by Miley Cyrus started playing and I couldn't help but laugh. Now keep in mind this bar was mostly filled with middle-aged men getting a pint of beer after work. I am pretty sure if Miley Cyrus played at an American bar, someone would get punched.

We made our way to the National Theatre on a walking bridge over the Thames River. The view from there was breathtaking at night, with Big Ben on the other side of the river from the giant ferris wheel (called the London Eye) and everything was lit up. I was pissed that I forgot my camera and that awesome photo opportunity, I will have to get it some other time I guess and remember to carry my camera around more often now.

(different picture during the day)
From London - January

The play August: Osage County was actually very good and I enjoyed it way more than I thought it would because I usually think plays are boring. It featured several famou actors, one of which was the guy who played the boss in Office Space. The human relationship dynamics of this one family in Oklahoma was very enthralling, with a crazy Grandma tricked out on tons of medication and a pedophile fiance to one of the sisters as well as some apparent incest love. It was basically just 3 hours of Jerry Springer episodes put together on a stage. We got back to our flats around 11:30 and I got a snack and then passed out.

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