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Monday 19 January 2009

1/19/09 flight back from Dublin, almost hit by car

Up for breakfast and I talked with Paul a bit about why we couldn't meet up with him the night before. I also met and talked with Julie, who I saw on a previous day in the hostel. It's a shame I didn't talk to her sooner because she seemed really cool. Andrew and I checked out and then wandered around Dublin looking for something to do before we headed out to the airport. We eventually found our way to the National Gallery and walked around looking at the hundreds of paintings that were housed there. I am not particularly interested in paintings but it was interesting enough and free.

From Ireland Trip

We left and went to our bus stop, where we waited for almost an hour in the freezing cold wind for the bus to the airport to finally get there. Dublin public transportation is pretty bad compared with London. It was a short flight home, and I was almost hit by a cab trying to beat a red light as I walked back on Edgeware Road to our flat. Andrew stuck out his arm to stop me from getting in its path. Even though I might have been ok otherwise, it still made me think quite a bit. Your life could end at any moment, so live with no regrets as if every day is your last.

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