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Friday 30 January 2009

1/30/09 UN, and the Red Cross aka worst tour ever

Up at 6:30am and miserable again. After getting sort of lost after getting off the tram, we found our way to the United Nations in Geneva. The first speaker we had was decent, and I appreciated the way she tried to simplify the issues she talked about, such as aid to developing countries, into easy to understand examples.

From Geneva Trip

The second presenter about the European Economic something (I don't even know) was really bad. He was obviously a very intelligent person, but he was a horrible presenter. I really had trouble staying awake and figuring out what he was actually trying to get at, and I have a good understanding of economics. He kept talking off on random tangents constantly for these complicated issues, and when asked questions didn't actually answer them and talked about something else.

From Geneva Trip

We had a break for lunch, but the cafeteria was expensive, so JJ and I went on an adventure to find somewhere for cheap food. We walked by a protest about the war in Sri Lanka in front of the World Trade Organization building on the way there. We grabbed some sandwiches at Coop and headed back.

From Geneva Trip

The tour around the UN building was decent, and it was interesting to see the original part of the building that was used in the 1930s for the League of Nations.

From Geneva Trip

Next we headed over to the Red Cross building for a tour at 3pm. It was way too hot in the building as we walked around, and I was so tired from being up since 6:30. I just wanted to sleep in the worst way possible, but our tour guide kept talking and talking superfast and basically told us the entire history of everything forever. I was so incredibly pissed off that I had to waste my time sitting through that crap. Our tour was only supposed to last one hour, but it ended up being almost two hours, and the other half of our group that had a different tour guide had already been gone for 30 mins by the time we got done. Worst. Tour. Ever.

At like 3:30am, Andrew stumbled drunk into our room and woke me up asking some random unintelligible question which pissed me off. When I confronted him about it in the morning he got all defensive and started calling me a jerk for bringing it up... even though I was generous enough to try and wake him up for almost 10 minutes straight as he was unresponsive and wouldn't get out of bed for our morning tour. Not to mention he is unprepared and has to borrow stuff from me all the time.

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