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Thursday 22 January 2009

1/22/09 Farley's, prague proj nonsense

Got to Farely's way too early after Davis said we needed more than an hour to get there, so JJ and Nate and I grabbed some breakfast at a little diner/cafe. It looked kind of sketchy, but it was cheap and the sausage/eggs/chips were tasty. Farley's was basically a giant warehouse full of antiques and props organized by time period. Movie studios, museums, and others rent out the props, and props from Farley's have been in movies such as Harry Potter, Titanic, Lord of the Rings, and many more.

Got back and worked on the Prague Project with my group, we have to write a 12 page paper about the product portfolios and market coverage of two market leading tea sellers, one in the US, and one in Western Europe. We just got the assignment yesterday 1/21 and it is due by 1/30. This presents a little problem since most of our group is away in Amsterdam this weekend fri 1/23-mon 1/26 booked way before we found this out, and then we leave for Switzerland right after class on Wed 1/28. So we actually have 3 days to do it, not to mention LEROS (the company we are doing it for) has not given us the market product info we need, nor have they confirmed that our 2 company choices are good even though we need to know that before we can do the 12 page paper. It seems to me that LEROS really doesn't care very much about what my group is doing, so I don't know why we are expected to take these Prague Projects seriously. The whole thing seems like a joke.

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